Yesterday I noticed a new spot on the inside of my upper arm. It's rough, pinkish in color and wrinkly. I told my wife about it and she made me put lotion on it. It stung really bad (which is normal) but it didn't go away (which is not normal). We washed the lotion off and I put a super soft long sleeve shirt on and am doing better. I know that my stress level is through the roof right now (as it always is towards the end of the school year). This has caused my regular spot on my lower back to get darker (and spread to 3 separate spots) but now that it has gone to my arm, it has me more concerned.
I need to go see the doctor again but I'm really resistant due to my previous bad experience at Anschutz Cancer Center. Given that they're the only option for CTCL clinic in Colorado, I don't have much other choice. 😞 It also sucks that I have to take a whole day off work to go.
I guess I'll be setting up an appointment tomorrow.