I received a letter that Dr. Pandya at UT Southwestern will no longer be seeing patients with CTCL. I've been grateful to him for his care over the last few years and am nervous about seeing someone new. There will be another doctor (Dr. Heather Wickless) stepping up to take his place with the clinic, but as far as I can tell from researching her online, she doesn't have much CTCL experience. But everyone has to start somewhere, so I'll probably set up an appointment with her in June. I'll report thoughts once I meet with her.
Like the title says, I'm at 10 months without treatment. It's been going fairly well. I've had a few spots pop up here and there. There's one on my leg about the size of a blueberry that has been there for awhile now. It's not gotten any bigger so I'm not all that concerned, but I'll still be sure to show the new doctor. The end of the school year is always a stressful time, and stress definitely exacerbates my skin. We're also moving this summer and the sheer amount of stuff that we've accumulated from the various roommates is overwhelming. My wife's mom moved in with a 20' moving truck and moved out with a sedan. A large part of me wants to just pay someone to come take absolutely everything, but the rational part tells me that I need to go through it all and sell off what we can.
Anyways, not much else going on. As I've said before, no news is good news, so I probably won't be posting for awhile but feel free to contact me with questions or just to chat.